
Business Videos Portfolio

Videos are vital to capture the short attention span of most consumers. You need to deliver a clear and engaging message in the shortest time possible. Video shorts are great for websites, emails, social media, YouTube and Tik Tok.

Video Creation Request

Video Creation Tips

Product or Service Video

(15-30 seconds)

Explain the benefits of your product or service, get into the details of how it works, and cover the problem it addresses.

Business Story Video

(30-60 seconds)

Use to highlight:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Why you do it

Promotional Video

(15-30 seconds)

Special deals or timely information you want viewers to know about. A promotional story can help you get the word out.

YouTube Tips

Short Promotional Videos

Animated Business Videos

Other Business Videos

Video Lists

I can add a YouTube playlist to your website. Click the video menu to watch all the videos uploaded to a particular playlist and it updates automatically!

I can also add a video library for members only.

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